Haughty eyes, disdanfully proud a feeling of pleasurable satisfaction over an act or possession. It can be the quality or relationship by which one measures one's self-worth; such as, proud of your child or proud to serve this country. On January 1, 1900, Americans and Europeans greeted the twentieth century in the proud and certain belief that the next hundred years would make all things possible" (W. Bruce Lincoln), this is a feeling of great dignity or being honored something that the Lord hates. The bible states, that we are not to honor nobody but him. A false illusionment the blind leading the blind. We are not to have excessive self esteem, we are to have a humbled spirit that seek after the righteousness of God and all things shall be added unto you. The way the world portrays a proud alpine peaks as in Majestic or magnificient, another disturbing thought that triggers the brain and lead the people of the world in deception. We must transform our mind to the likeness of Christ. God is the Majestic magnificient person on this earth, don't let the enemy devour your mind into thinking that the proud alpine peaks. Do you even know what a proud alpine peak is, evaluate the meaning of this word. The dictionary's definition is arising from or caused by pride; presumptuous, feeling or showing great pride as from being honored. What led me to this saying is cause I hear those that have served for this country saying how they were honored feeling a great pride, that the Lord hates and if the Lord was to come right now, that person would be lost in a world of deception. God states, clearly in his word do not be conformed to the things of this world, the reason for me expressing this is cause we are in our last days and it time to get our soul right, we need to consecrate the flesh and remain unto the father. It's time we be watchful and alert to the world brain washing God's people. The devil is going around seeking who he can devour, so that God's people can be cast into hell where his home is, you see the Devil is looking for company to enter into the pit of hell. We are to humble ourselves for it is right in the Lord's eyesight, by being meek in the spirit or by being modest, not arrogant or prideful; "a humble apology"; "essentially humble...and self-effacing. Snobberish, God hates someone who adopts the worldview of things, some people are inherently inferior to him or her for any reason of intellect, wealth, education, ancestry, beauty where it can become conveting the other person. Be content just the way God made you, it's don't look good to envy the other person or become inferior we are all blessed with God given talents, one must search for their own desired hidden gem. Most say the secret behind knowledge, but I came to tell you that it cant make you see God, the deceptive scheme of being scornful and arrogant leads one known as stupidity or foolish. One need to build a relationship with God, as he increases your understanding to the wisdom of his likeness, notice I said God's likeness. We don't have nothing to stand on, it is God's wisdom that we stand in righteous of him. Give the scornfully arrogant a kick to the boot, it's not doing nothing but sending ones' soul to hell, that is something God hates, so why are you gonna let something God hates linger around you. Being supercilious tend to arise in our everyday character, it's the building up of each other, most say personal development. It's okay to use personal development, but some get extreme with it, and overlook that God is your development personally. God intent is to grow closer to him personally, let him develop you to his adornment. An Example of people's everyday language when communicating with each other, the point I suggesting is why don't we give that time we give our family, friends, husband, children we need to give God our direct devotion the creator of your soul.
Sheila! I heard you were in the city the other day!
Jasmine: Your mother always has to tell you every move I make!
Sheila: No.. Wendy and Sharon saw you.
Jasmine: They didn’t say hello?
Sheila: Well, they were in a rush.
Jasmine: They couldn’t just say hello! .. Oh, to hell with them.
Sheila: They, uh.. said you were with some guy who was wearing a cape, ha ha.
Jasmine: Wendy, I can see, not sayin’ hello. She’s very what’s the word supercilious.
We must watch our vocabulary, this is what the LORD hates, haughtiness or stirring up gossip when that person was not there...we have this bad. Why we must TRANSFORM our thinking to God's ways, his ways is definitely much higher than our ways! So we must develop that personal relationship with God...so that we don't fall in the DEADLY snares of the trap leading us with a supercilious attitude.